Dear Friends,
This week we have been asked to create our PLE. It is a mindmap in which we have to write down all the sources that have improved our knowledge during our lives. My PLE just deals with my English learning process because I thought that general learning was too difficult to include. Indeed one never finishes to learn and there is such a great amount of sources that you cannot enclose them in a paper.
I divided my mindmap into two different groups: FORMAL and INFORMAL.
I started by working with the first one. I was sure there could not be many elements to write down because if you think about formal learning what comes to your mind are teachers, school and university. But, as long as I was developing this part of the paper ,I realised that there was a lot more to add. So I decided that the informal learning group should contain three minor groups: people, places and tools. I'm not going to write you everything I included in my PLE because I believe that most of the elements I cited are cotained in your tables as well. What I want to tell you is that I was really surprised by the fact that the more I was writing the more I wanted to add.
The group that made me realised my biggest changes was the one called tools. It is made up of other sub-groups and one of them is dedicated to the online world. Wow! I had never realised there are so many things in the net that have helped me with my English learning process! it is unbelievable the number of sites and applications I wrote in my list! Most of them come from our experience in this English course thus making me understand how much my "life" has changed in the last months!
The Informal group was the one that caused me the biggest problems. Each of us knows that everyday we learn something from the people we meet, the places we see and the actions we carry out. Therefore it is more difficult to list them all. And again, once I started writing some ideas on my paper, many others were ready to be included. There are so many places and people that can be useful for you to learn a different language. You may or may not agree with me but I also included discos among the places in which you can learn! I believe that meeting foreign people and talk to them is one of the best ways to learn a different language. Tools are a subgroup of informal learning too. Internet, telephone, television music and many others are major sources of teaching and learning.
I found that the idea of making us create a PLE sounded a bit strange at the beginning. Now I can understand how stimulating and useful it may be to sit down and reflect on the possibilties we have to improve our knowledge.
Everyday we should learn as much as we can from what is around us!
Image from flickr
10 commenti:
Dear Alida,
I totally agree with you when you say “I believe that meeting foreign people and talk to them is one of the best ways to learn a different language”, indeed I put in my PLE also all those people I met while travelling outside Italy. I didn’t include discos, but I perfectly understand why you have included it...also giving information for the station to some foreign tourists can be useful in our learning, so why not talking with somebody while dancing or having a drink?!
Dear Alida,
I agree with you: sitting down and reflecting on all the things that have contributed and continue to contribute to your language learning is really stimulating.
That reminded me of a lot of people and experiences I never think about and it was really pleasant.
Like you, I diveded my map in formal an informal learning and both sections resulted to be connected with a lot of elements. I'm looking forward to discussimg about that in class.
Bye bye
Dear Alida, ar first I was a bit perplexed about the PLE, too... But then, everything sounds more familiar when you've had the time to reflect about it.
I don't know about discos, however... they always struck me as the kind of place we're you can't hear what others tell you so it's hard to do some real talking! :) But certainly bars and pubs could be listed as places in your PLE.
Hi Alida!
I do agree with you: sitting down and reflecting on all those things you do to improve your language skills can be very useful - also for setting you own goals.
I think that including places like discos and pubs in your PLE is a very nice idea: you can have a chat while having a drink...
Dear Alida,
I agree with you when you say that general learning is too difficult to include in your map. The map I made included it and I found it quite difficult...Of course it was helpul because I reflected a lot on what I've done up to now.
The choice to include discos among the places where you can learn is very strange; I wouldn't say that I don't agree with you but certainly there are other places where you can learn more about things and people as well!
I was difficult becaus we hadn't heard about it before but I'm sure now we would consider things from another point of viwe and this was this etivity aim.
differently from Ale Peron and Erica, I like your idea of including discos. They may appear superficial because people have fun but I think you can learn many things. Observing things could constitues another section?!..I'll add it to my PLE because I really like observing people and try to understand their personalities! I've learnt something more!
See u,
Dear Alida,
I agree with everything you say! I'm sure that after reading each others' mindmaps we will all add new things to ours! You certainly gave me some good ideas to improve mine!Love,
Ciao Ali! Thank you for your post because it helped me to understand what to do with the PLE! I agree with what you wrote, there are so many things to write when you start filling in it! Then, You are the best...you made me laugh when I read about discos!!!!!!!! Great Ali!!! Bacio Tania
Dear Ali,
including discos was a great idea!It made me think of my own experience... Some years ago I met some foreigners in a disco near Padua and we are still keeping in touch :)
I think I should include a sub-group called places in my PLE too.
Dear Alida,
I agree with everything you wrote above all when you say that it is useful to reflect on how we learn and that we learn and improve our language skills when we meet foreign people.
Reading your post, made me think of my experience abroad:-)).
I am looking forward to see your mindmap tomorrow. I am sure you did a great job!!
See you,
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